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Scrum-Mythos: Scrum zwingt uns…

Immer wieder höre ich „Scrum zwingt uns …„. Nun, es stimmt, dass Scrum einige Werte, Elemente und Regeln hat und stellt klar, dass auch eine Teilmenge von Nutzen sein kann, das dann aber nicht Scrum ist. Was ist damit gemeint? 1- zunächst einmal: alle Aspekte von Scrum (Elemente, Regeln…) haben eine Absicht und einen Zweck.…


OTIS – or: how to create a DoD!

The Definition of Done, short: DoD, is an important element in Scrum, to be precise: it’s a commitment regarding the Increment and it describes the quality included. Every Scrum Team needs to define their DoD at the beginning of their journey and make it stronger and stronger throughout their development initiative. As a reminder how…


Priority or Order?

„The Product Backlog is an ordered list of …“ Since July 2011 (no typo!) the Scrum Guide describes the Product Backlog as an „ordered list“ and no longer speaks about the „prioritized list“. Read here about the difference and why it is important to Product Owners!


Scrum Guide Videos

Find here 4 videos that read out the Scrum Guide for you in the latest version of November 2020. Scrum Definition and Theory Scrum Team Scrum Events Scrum Artifacts


How long do we need a Scrum Master?

In a training I was asked „How long do you need a Scrum Master?“ Let’s just think about FC Bayern München. The well known soccer club. They definitely play world class soccer. What’s your best guess:do they still have a trainer, do they have a coach? Yes, they do. Although they know the rules of soccer.…


About the Sprint…

Check out these facts about a Sprint: ✅ one Sprint has a max. length of up to one month.✅ Sprints have constant length.✅ one Sprint takes place after the other. No gaps, no overlapping.✅ Sprints give cadence, rhythm, and foster simplicity.✅ a Sprint starts with the Sprint Planning.✅ a Sprint ends with the Sprint Review…


Scrum forces teams…

Scrum team work Rock it!

In a training I was confronted with the critique that „Scrum forces teams to have all 3 Accountabilities, do all 5 Events and work with all 3 Artifacts and their Commitments.“ Actually no, that’s not true: Scrum forces nobody to do anything.  Scrum is a framework that has proven helpful (and more) in several (many!) situations. Scrum and…


Scrum Quiz

Learning for your Scrum Master certificate? Use this quiz for preparation: 👉 moccasoft.com/scrum-quiz
