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My favorite Agile-Self-Assessment for Teams

Agile Self Assessment for Teams -V2

On the basis of several other self-assessment, the work that we did at improuv regarding a template for a good self assessment and the feedback and learnings I got when applying to teams I build up my own Agile Self Assessment for Teams and share it here with you.

Feel free to download and use this pdf:

Overview of the assessed aspects

The Agile-Self-Assessment for Teams covers these topics:

  • Agile Mindset
  • Team-Work
  • Self-Organization
  • Customer Value
  • Process
  • Relentless Improvement
  • Crossteam Collaboration

How to use

Surely you have various ideas to use spider graphs to catalyze discussion. Here are just a couple:

1) in Alignment

Introduce the team members to the topics and let them discuss and align on one answer. Be prepared: there will be a lot of discussion!

If all is assessed, let them decide which topic to improve next. Find small steps and go them.


2) finding Differences

Let each team member assess the team from their own perspective (on individual spider graphs). Have them copy their results into one common set of spiders.

Find the points where the answers differentiate most. Discuss. Generate insights.

Decide where to improve next. Find baby steps and go them.



  1. Veröffentlich von Agile Self – Sweet Saw am 08.01.2022 um 19:07

    […] New My favorite Agile Self-Assessment for Teams by Anja Stiedl […]

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