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Little Book of the Coaching Habit – weniger sagen, mehr fragen

Als ich Scrum Master wurde, hatte ich bereits eine Ausbildung zum Business Coach und Coaching war mein Steckenpferd. Rückblickend bin ich über diesen zeitlichen Ablauf ungemein dankbar, denn die Gesprächstechniken des Coachings können in jeder Situation im Scrum Team hilfreich und unterstützend sein und haben mich in meiner Tätigkeit erfolgreich unterstützt. 👉 Hier gebe ich…


Treat People like Adults

This is my favourite slogan: Treat people like adults, as they are adults… at least most of them. And for those that are not (aka. kids) think about how to foster them to learn and grow on their way to become adults. Repeat. For those adults: On the other hand: Act like an adult! So…


Story Points or hours?

I was asked: “What do your prefer: estimation with hours or estimation with story points?“ Short answer: I don’t care.  Very long answer:  The big question is what you make out of it: My focus of estimation (or sizing as it is called in Scrum) is to catalyse conversation.  If in a team you have…


Cheating at School…

Another quote I just stumbled over: *Cheating at School is called Collaboration at Work!* Please please please, dear pupils and students,  do not loose your ability to collaborate with your class mates:  you will need this skill later! #collaboration


Difficult team members…

Conflict in a team?Difficult team members?

I was asked: „What is your approach to managing difficult team members?“ I recommend to reflect on your own mindset: what does „difficult team members“ mean? How come that you label or judge others in that way? Typically people have a good reason for acting like they do. So, try to be open-minded, try to find…


How long do we need a Scrum Master?

In a training I was asked „How long do you need a Scrum Master?“ Let’s just think about FC Bayern München. The well known soccer club. They definitely play world class soccer. What’s your best guess:do they still have a trainer, do they have a coach? Yes, they do. Although they know the rules of soccer.…


Movie recommendations – about life!

Some movies share some stories for life. I want to share my favorite ones here. Love at first sight This is a beautiful movie about one day in a care home with marvelous scenes and pictures. It makes me appreciate my life and abilities more. Very personal, very touching. Schwarzfahrer (German with English subtitle) I…
