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Beiträge mit dem Stichwort: ‘Values̵

OTIS – or: how to create a DoD!

The Definition of Done, short: DoD, is an important element in Scrum, to be precise: it’s a commitment regarding the Increment and it describes the quality included. Every Scrum Team needs to define their DoD at the beginning of their journey and make it stronger and stronger throughout their development initiative. As a reminder how…


Treat People like Adults

This is my favourite slogan: Treat people like adults, as they are adults… at least most of them. And for those that are not (aka. kids) think about how to foster them to learn and grow on their way to become adults. Repeat. For those adults: On the other hand: Act like an adult! So…


Agile Tuesday: Agile Values 2014

Some impressions from my talk with Daniel Zappold about Agile Values at the Agile Tuesday meetup in Munich 2014. Speakers Agenda and Definition Values, values and values: Results from group discussions: Feedback Thank you all for joining in!
